Urbanistes sans frontières

>> English slogan to be determined

>>Objectives of the NGO

16 February 2007

The principal objective of USF, in regards to the advancement of international solidarity, is to engage and to participate in all spheres of town planning, protection of environment and regional development.

USF is recognised as a Non-Governmental Organisation.

USF is seeking to share its knowledge and experience with researchers, university academics and professionals in the domain of urban planning, including both residential buildings and natural environment. It supports existing skills and competences in the field of regional management and sustainable development.

Working in the context of international cooperation and technical interdependence, USF is committed to foster a network of skills and competences in the domains related to:

- Rural and urban development specific issues
- Protecting the Environment and natural areas
- Preserving urban and architectural heritage
- Improving life places and areas where living conditions and hygiene are either unfavourable or precarious
- Combating urban inequalities and segregation
- Enhancing local economic development and social progress
- Organising transport infrastructure and travel systems
- Quantifying and preventing various urban, natural and technological risks
- Integrating citizen participation to urban development and social and economic projects
- Integrating local governance and Agenda 21
- All levels of regional planning and development

In all these domains, USF seeks to make the following contributions to assist the international community (a non-exhaustive list):

- Urban planning along with physical and socio-economic development.
- Restoration and regeneration of existing areas (former inner-town centres and peripheral areas)
- Solving problems related to informal districts, makeshifts and insalubrious housing.
- Reorganisation and reconstruction of damaged areas hit by natural or technological disasters or belligerency.
- Construction and rehabilitation of housing, facilities (schools, hospitals, public services,...), infrastructure as well as various networks.

USF undertakes its short, middle and long term missions in compliance with The Universal Declaration of Human Rights without any form of discrimination.

Article tiré du site : http://usf-f.org
Rubrique:  Presentation